Best Woodpecker Traps

Updated for 2023

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AB Traps Quality Live Animal Humane Trap Catch and Release Rats Mouse Mice Rodents Cage – Voles…
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What We Like

A durable, effective trap, we love the overall performance of this trap – along with its great price.

Bird B Gone Pigeon Trap with Shade, Food and Water Containers
What We Like

Large enough for multiple birds and with two doors, this trap is great for catching woodpeckers and keeping them trapped. We only doubt its durability a little bit, especially given the price.

How We Found the Best Woodpecker Traps

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12 Hours of Research

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Best Woodpecker Traps

Unless you are an avid bird watcher, there is a pretty good chance you are not a huge fan of the noisy birds that jab at the structures on your property and leave unsightly holes and marks. Woodpeckers are probably one of the noisiest birds in existence, and they also cause a lot of damage.

While these birds are quite the nuisance, it doesn’t mean they need to be hurt in order to get rid of them. Many humane traps use the catch and release method of getting rid of pesky animal. Several cages and traps exist that capture woodpeckers so you can take them elsewhere and release them to peck trees instead of your house.

For your convenience, we have gathered some information on a few excellent catch and release traps to assist you with your woodpecker problem.


AB Live Animal Humane Trap

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Last update on 2024-05-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Features & Specs
  • 10.5” x 5.5” x 4.5”
  • Single door
  • Pre-assembled

At the perfect size for catching small pests like birds, more specifically woodpeckers, the AB Live Animal Humane Trap is a high-quality product that has proven itself effective. Safe and humane, this trap carefully catches birds without harming them. It is designed to be a catch and release method, allowing you to release the animal away from your home after you have caught them.

Easy to set, put bait inside this cage with the door set open. When the bird goes in for the bait, it will release the sensitive trigger that will shut the door, trapping them inside.

Unlike some traps, this cage is completely reusable. It is made from strong materials that last, giving you years of use with just one purchase. No poisons, sprays, electricity, or chemicals are needed – just this trap.


Bird B Gone Pigeon Trap

$123.38 Amazon Prime
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Last update on 2024-05-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Features & Specs
  • 35” x 16” x 8”
  • Two door design
  • Trap door release
  • Has shade and food compartments

The Bird B Gone Pigeon Trap is made specifically for catching birds. Its three-door design gives more opportunities for birds to enter, making the chances of catching your target woodpecker greater.

Developed with the insight of wildlife control specialists, this trap can catch and hold 12 or more birds at once. The swinging bob trap doors continually catch birds. Meanwhile, the release door on the top makes it extra easy to remove the birds after you capture them.

The cage is escape proof and will certainly hold the woodpeckers once you have caught them. Place bait within the cage to lure them in, using food that woodpeckers will enjoy like nuts and fruit.

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If woodpeckers have been targeting a specific area of your home or property, you may want to consider covering and protecting it.

Additional Advice

Dealing with pests can be stressful and overwhelming. There are many options – professional services, certified products, do it yourself choices – but knowing which to use and how to use them can be tough when you know nothing about the pest.

Woodpeckers are known for pecking trees, but that’s about all we know about them. Sometimes it can be helpful in the midst of our hunt to gain a little bit of knowledge of our prey.

We have compiled some basic information about woodpeckers in an attempt to make your prevention projects a little bit easier. Read on to learn more.

About Woodpeckers

Woodpeckers are birds that are found all around the world. They are very widespread, and very few of them are known to live in treeless areas. Their size varies based on species. Some woodpeckers can be as small as 2.8 inches, while others are more than 20 inches in length. Like their size, colors can vary too.

The feet of woodpeckers are excellent for grasping and gripping tree limbs so they can hold on while they peck. They have four toes with two facing forwards and two facing backward. Their legs are very strong, which also helps them hold on tight.

As expected, woodpeckers have very strong beaks. Their beaks are what allow them to peck into wood to find food, build homes, claim their territory, and mate. In addition to their strong beaks, they also have sticky tongues. This strange trait is very helpful in finding food; the stickiness lets them easily grab insects from within the wood of trees.

Woodpeckers usually eat insects and larvae, but they can also eat things like bird eggs, small rodents, lizards, fruit, and nuts.

Woodpeckers peck for a few reasons. The first and obvious is to find food and eat. Woodpeckers will make small and irregular holes to extract any kind of insect they can find.

These birds also peck to make their homes. Woodpeckers create homes within trees and other wood surfaces like houses. They do this by creating large holes. They will even “shop around” a bit before settling, starting holes in several different spots first.

Finally, woodpeckers sometimes just peck to make noise. That’s right – a woodpecker will peck on wood to emit that loud tapping sound. This sound is called drumming, and it is done first to proclaim that the surrounding territory has been marked by it. Second, it is used in mating.

Woodpecker Tips

There are a few strategies you can use that can help you keep woodpeckers away from your house. Of course, one of them is investing in traps like the ones we have discussed.

Another option is repellents. There are many different repellent options, most of which use fear tactics or blockage. Repellents come in the form of spikes, reflection tape and objects, plastic predators, and sound systems.

Rather than buying these repellents, there are also some do it yourself options that people have tried and found to work. Homeowners have reported success stories using pinwheels, helium balloons, and aluminum foil.

In conjunction with these efforts, you can use things like steel mesh and netting to keep woodpeckers away from affected areas. If woodpeckers have been targeting a specific area of your home or property, you may want to consider covering and protecting it.

Lastly, you may want to get your home inspected for insects. If you have found that woodpeckers are not making homes but are still pecking at your house, it may be because you have an insect infestation of some sort. The woodpeckers could be a sign that there are bugs in your walls. Getting rid of that problem can help with your woodpecker issue.

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