If you’re dealing with a squirrel infestation inside your attic, basement, or crawl spaces, one of the easiest ways to get rid of them is to use baiting and trapping methods.
Most squirrel traps allow you to catch and release the squirrels, but there are also spring traps that will kill them. These work similar to the traditional traps used for rats, in which a spring is triggered and a mechanism snaps down onto the squirrel. These can be risky to set up and are more dangerous than live traps because you can get your own fingers caught in them. They’ll also require clean up and removal of the dead squirrel, which isn’t as easy as taking a live one away to release.
Live traps include cages and traps with one-way exclusion doors. With both of these, the squirrels are left inside so that you can remove them later. If you’re taking the trap outside to let the squirrel free, you’ll want to make sure you’re using repellents and have taken the proper steps to block off entryways to your house so that they don’t find their way back in.
Furthermore, you should take precautionary steps toward protecting yourself when letting the critters loose. Squirrels won’t bite, but their nails can be long and scratch you as you’re letting them out of the trap. Prepare yourself with long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of sturdy gloves. Unless you have prior knowledge of where you can release squirrels, contact a local wildlife expert to find appropriate places where they can be released. Depending on where you release them, you could be putting the squirrels in danger or subjecting someone else to an infestation. If you aren’t sure, it’s always better to ask.
Even if you’re using a live trap, you should still remember to check it frequently for squirrels, as they can harm themselves through trying to get out or even die if they’re accidentally left out in harsh weather.
For both live and kill traps, they’ll need to be washed properly before reusing them. Squirrels carry diseases with which you’ll then come into contact if you handle the trap without properly disinfecting it. Also make sure to wash your hands thoroughly after coming into contact with squirrels or any other wild animals.