Problems and Solutions for Eco-friendly Pest Management

Updated for 2023
hand with magnifying glass

Eco-friendly pest management is a topic of great importance in today’s world. As interest in sustainability rises, so does the demand for environmentally friendly solutions to common problems like pests. However, finding an effective eco-friendly pest control solution can be difficult.

There are many reasons why you might want to use an eco-friendly pest control solution. Maybe you’re concerned about the impact of chemicals on the environment, or maybe you’re interested in reducing your exposure to pesticides.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to find a solution that works.

Problem: Greenwashing

Greenwashing is a term used to describe the practice of companies making false or misleading claims about their products or services to make them seem more environmentally friendly.

This can take many forms, but some common examples include using terms like “eco-friendly” or “sustainable” without providing any evidence to support these claims, or exaggerating the environmental benefits of a product or service.

Greenwashing can be a problem in any industry, but it is particularly prevalent in the pest control industry. This is because many products and services make claims about being environmentally friendly, but they may not be any more effective or sustainable than traditional methods.


So how can you avoid being misled by greenwashing? Here are a few tips:

  • Do your research: Check out websites like EWG that provide ratings for different consumer products.
  • Ask questions: If you’re not sure about a product, don’t hesitate to contact the company and ask for more information.
  • Trust your gut: If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

By being an informed and skeptical consumer, you can avoid greenwashing and ensure you’re doing your part for the environment.

Problem: Lack of Efficacy

There are many eco-friendly pest control products on the market, but not all of them are equally effective. Some may be less effective because they use natural ingredients that pests are immune to or because the formulation is not strong enough to kill them.


To ensure that you’re using a high-quality product, look for one labeled “EPA registered.” This means the Environmental Protection Agency tested it and found it effective. You can also check online reviews to see what other users have to say about a particular product.

Problem: Improper Species Identification

One of the most important steps in eco-friendly pest control is properly identifying the pest species. This is important for several reasons, like:

  • Different species of pests require different control measures. If you don’t know what kind of pest you’re dealing with, you may use the wrong control method and do more harm than good.
  • Different species of pests are attracted to different types of food. If you don’t know what kind of pest you’re dealing with, you may be inadvertently attracting them to your home or business by leaving out food they like.
  • Some species of pests are more harmful than others. If you don’t know what kind of pest you’re dealing with, you may inadvertently expose yourself or your family to a more harmful species.


There are several ways to find out exactly what kind of pests you’re dealing with, including this pest-identification resource that comes from a program within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) division. This tool from the Identification Technology Program allows you to enter basic information about the pest, such as its location, appearance, and type of damage it is causing.

Based on this information, the tool will provide you with a list of possible pest species, and it has programs that can identify harmful plants, bugs, and more.

If you are not sure how to properly identify a pest or control it, you should contact a professional pest control company. The right company will have the experience and resources necessary to safely and effectively control pests.

Problem: Not Using Species-specific Solutions

It is estimated that there are over 1 million named species of insects worldwide, with new species being discovered every day. Of these, only a small fraction are considered to be pests. Therefore, not using species-specific solutions to handle pests can cause a variety of issues.

Species-specific solutions are typically more likely to be eco-friendly than traditional methods. These solutions target specific pests, such as wasps or ants, without affecting other non-pest insects.

This ensures that beneficial insects, such as bees and ladybugs, are not harmed in the process. In addition, species-specific solutions often use natural ingredients, such as essential oils, that are safe for people and pets.

Fortunately, there are a growing number of eco-friendly pest control solutions that are effective at controlling pests without causing harm to the environment.

For several reasons, it is important to use a species-specific, eco-friendly solution when you’re trying to control pests.

  • Using a broad-spectrum pesticide can cause unintended damage to other populations of insects or animals.
  • Species-specific solutions are usually more targeted and therefore more effective at controlling the target population.
  • Species-specific solutions are often more environmentally friendly because they have a narrower range of impact.


Species-specific solutions mean that you only target the pests that are causing problems, and you leave the beneficial bugs alone.

For example, you can purchase a wasp trap if you have a problem with wasps. These traps use a pheromone to attract the wasps, and they are designed to keep them from escaping.

Similarly, if you are trying to get rid of ants, you can use diatomaceous earth or borax to kill them without harming other insects.

While these solutions may take a bit longer to work, they are much better for the environment than using broad-spectrum pesticides

Problem: Lack of Availability

Eco-friendly pest control solutions are often less available than their less-sustainable counterparts. This is because many companies that produce these products are small, local businesses that might not have the resources to distribute their products on a wide scale. Additionally, eco-friendly solutions may be more expensive than traditional options. This is because they often use natural ingredients, which can be more costly to produce.


There are a few ways to overcome eco-friendly pest control availability issues: Search for online retailers that sell eco-friendly pest control products. Contact companies directly and ask if they ship to your area. Look for local stores that sell eco-friendly products. These may be difficult to find, but they will likely have a better selection than larger retailers. If you cannot find an eco-friendly solution that meets your needs, you may be able to find an alternative. For example, if you are looking for an eco-friendly way to kill ants, you could try using a mixture of vinegar and water. This is not as effective as some chemical solutions, but it is a safe and natural option.

Problem: Potential Damage to Surrounding Structures

Eco-friendly pest control solutions are often lauded as more gentle on the environment than traditional methods. However, some of these solutions can cause damage to the very structures they are meant to protect.

For example, certain types of eco-friendly insecticides can break down the sealant around windows and doors, leaving homes vulnerable to pests and the elements. In addition, some of these products can harm pets or children if used incorrectly.


One of the main concerns with eco-friendly pest control solutions is the potential for damage to surrounding structures. Here are some ways to prevent this from happening:

  • Use a non-toxic or low-toxicity solution: This will minimize the risk of any damage to your home or other buildings.
  • Be sure to follow the directions: Read the label carefully and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid any potential problems.
  • Use a test area first: Before using any new pest control solution, it’s always a good idea to test it in a small area first. This will help you assess whether there is any risk of damage to your property.
  • Keep an eye on the area: After using any pest control solution, it’s important to monitor the area for any signs of damage. If you see any problems, stop using the solution and contact a professional for help.

Problem: Not Complying With Regulations

While there are many “green” pest control options available, some areas may have regulations you must follow when using these solutions.

If you are seeking out eco-friendly pest control solutions, taking the time to research and ensure compliance with all regulations is essential.


Becoming aware of pest control regulations is the first step in ensuring compliance. One way to do this is to check with the local government or pest control authorities in your area. They should be able to provide you with information on what solutions are allowed and what restrictions may be in place.

Another option is to turn to a professional for assistance. Many pest control companies now offer eco-friendly solutions that comply with all regulations.

Some pests, such as groundhogs, have regulations on trapping and releasing. Professional assistance can provide peace of mind and ensure that your home or business is protected from pests in a way that is good for the environment while following local or state guidelines.

Problem: Unintentional Creation of Hazards

Though “eco-friendly” pest management products are designed to be safe for the environment, they can sometimes unintentionally create hazards. These products may be harmful to pets or children if not used properly.

If a child ingests an eco-friendly pesticide, it may cause vomiting and diarrhea. In severe cases, it could lead to death. If a pet ingests an eco-friendly pesticide, it may experience the same symptoms as a child. In severe cases, it could also lead to death.


To avoid these hazards, always read the label carefully and follow the instructions precisely. If you have any questions or concerns, you should consult a medical professional or veterinarian before using any eco-friendly pest management product.

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